
protecting trade secrets

Protecting Trade Secrets

Protecting intellectual property is not just an issue for large companies who can incur the expense of filing ...
limited liability company veil

Piercing the Limited Liability Company Veil

The Michigan Limited Liability Company Act (“LLC Act”) extends absolute immunity to members of a limited liability company ...
business email tips

7 Tips for Handling Email

If you do not have one in place, consider an email protocol or policy for your company. Email ...
business operating agreement

5 Reasons to Create an Operating Agreement for your LLC

While Michigan law does not require limited liability companies to have an Operating Agreement, the Operating Agreement is ...
business foreclosure

Forfeiture vs. foreclosure of land contracts in Michigan? 5 things to consider

When a buyer defaults on a land contract, the seller can generally pursue one of two legal remedies: ...
asset protection planning

Seven Asset Protection Planning Tips

Asset protection planning seeks to protect your assets from future creditors. An asset protection plan is designed to ...
business litigation

If you are sued – Five things you should know about litigation

“Discourage litigation. Persuade your neighbors to compromise whenever you can. As a peacemaker the lawyer has superior opportunity ...
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